Seneca College

Seneca opened in 1967 as part of a regional improvement to inaugurate an Ontario-wide composite of colleges of realistic arts and expertise providing career-oriented diploma and qualification courses as well as continuing education programs to Ontario civilizations. The influence was answering to the growing need for cultured applied education as technology continuous to change the nature of work and the regional economy. Overall education was measured an important constituent in postsecondary education, and fullness courses tolerate to be a part of every database. In 2001 the colleges were approved the capability to offer baccalaureate degrees. Seneca is one of six colleges that can offer up to 15 per cent of its program commotion at the degree level.

Seneca has four primary campuses, and a total of 10 campuses placed through the Greater Toronto Expanse and in Peterborough. Each campus has its private hypothetical subjects.

Newnham Campus

Student flat on Newnham campus
The Newnham Campus is one of the main college campuses in Canada. It is home to more than 11,000 full-time students in business, developed, flying, premature youthful education, attitude, optician, evidence and administrations technology and liberal arts. The campus, named after establishment premier William T. Newnham, is also the site of wide-ranging enduring education responsibility during the evenings and weekends. The campus also comprises a 1,113-bed residence, sports Centre and daycare Centre. It is situated west of the meeting of Highway 404 and Finch Avenue East.

The campus's first house was opened in 1969 and over the years has convoluted various architects (William H.D. Hurst (Phase 1); John B. Parkin (Phase 2 with Searle, Wilbee and Rowland); Abram, Nowski and McLaughlin (arena)). In 1973 a 1,100 four-sided foot vaulted planetarium was supplementary to the Phase 3 segment of the campus, but it has since locked.

In fall 2011, Seneca's latest addition, considered for energy competence and ecological sustainability, was authoritatively released at the campus. The new building, planned by Craig Applegath of Dialog, features: three 80-seat schoolrooms; twenty-three 40-seat classrooms; fourteen 40-seat computer labs; a multi-purpose theater for 240 students that can be turned into a meeting room or two 120-seat lecture halls; augmented computing squares and library space; numerous new areas of cooperative student study and work space; a new "front door" for the campus and enhanced campus access for people with incapacities. The atrium in the new intergalactic was named after Frederick Minkler, Seneca's first chair of the board of committees.


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